
Graduation Transitions Exit Interviews Schedule Posted

GT Exit Interviews will be held on Thursday April 26th in the MPR from 5pm-7:30pm. All graduating students currently enrolled in Grad Transitions should have booked a time slot by now. If you have not booked a time, a time has been assigned to you. The GT schedule is posted on the GRAD BOARD beside room 501. 

This is the last session for this year, please ensure you attend if you did not attend the January sessions and are crossing the stage this June.

Students must bring:

  • GT package, resume, cover letter, etc.
  • 2 artifacts you’re proud of in relation to learning (a project, something you built, your ‘N’, etc.)
December GT Update


Graduation Transitions is a 4-credit required course for students who wish to graduate with a Dogwood Diploma.

Graduation Transitions is intended to prepare students for a successful transition to life after secondary school. In order to meet this goal, Graduation Transitions encourages students to:

  • take ownership of their own health and learning
  • examine and demonstrate connections between their learning and their future
  • create a plan for their growth and development as skilled, healthy, knowledgeable, participating citizens
  • exhibit attributes of a BC graduate

Students are responsible for planning and preparing their education, career, and life goals through
Graduation Transitions.

The Graduation Transition Package is a required component of Graduation Transitions (GT). GT Interviews will be held at two different times. Students will be given their interview time upon completion of the GT package. It is imperative that students attend their interview, as this is a graduation requirement.

Semester 1 – Thursday January 18, 2018 from 5pm-8pm

Semester 2 – Thursday April 26, 2018 from 5pm-7:30pm

Please download the package and bring it to the information session. More resources will be added to this page as well as important dates. So please check back for updates information.