LSS Weekly Communication - September 6th
Dear Ladysmith Secondary Students and Families,
At the end of the first week of a new school year, I am excited to share this first weekly update with our LSS community. There is no energy quite like the first few days of school as students settle into their new classes and get back into the groove of finding some routine.
We would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge those who have contributed in starting our first week off in such a good way. Many thanks to all of our teaching and support staff that have created a welcoming environment for our students. A large thank you is also owed to our counsellors who have helped support new students and worked to adjust schedules, so students have the courses they need. We would also like to give a special thank you to our custodians & maintenance crews, as well as everyone else behind the scenes who have spent countless hours getting our school ready for students to return.
Thank to our LSS families for helping our students get back into their school routine. You will have received an email from our Interim Superintendent last Friday outlining the new restrictions for personal digital devices. We wanted to take this opportunity to remind students and families that:
- During instructional time, personal digital devices at LSS are to be turned off or placed on airplane mode. Consideration will be given to:
- use of personal digital devices for appropriate educational purposes
- accessibility and accommodation needs;
- medical and health needs;
- equity to support learning environments.
- If students choose to bring a personal digital device to school, please ensure that before they enter the classroom, they are turned off, placed on airplane mode, and put away for the remainder of the class/instructional time, unless a teacher has directly given permission to use it for educational purposes.
- The school team will work collaboratively with families to ensure students have the support needed to manage their device usage in a healthy and safe manner.
- Students are not permitted to take photos or videos of other students/staff at any time without their explicit consent.
Next week, students in grade 9-12 will be participating in grade assemblies where personal digital devices and other aspects of the code of conduct will be discussed. Attached, you will find a copy of our updated student handbook. This will also be available on our school website beginning next week.
Finally, a reminder to families that all school-based fees can be paid on line directly by clicking here
Each week you will receive a communication that outlines important information from the week and gives a glance to the week ahead for important information. You will also see upcoming events listed below and a weekly communication from our school PAC. Finally, there will often be attachments with important school or community information. As always, if you have questions, Please contact our main office at or 250-245-3043.
Thanks again for a great start up and wishing you all a wonderful weekend.
Thanks kindly,
Shelley Gvojich & Jake Hardy
Upcoming events:
- September 11th – Grade 9-12 assemblies (Grade 8 happened on first day of school)
- September 13th – Fire Drill
- September 18th – Canadian University Event at Dover
- September 18th @ 6pm – PAC meeting in Learning Commons – Everyone Welcome
- September 19th – VIU Recruitment Visit from 9am-12pm. Interested in attending VIU next year please check it out.
- September 19th – Picture Day
- September 20th – Marc Mero Presentation (more info to come)
- September 30th – National Truth and Reconciliation Day (No School)
PAC Corner.. Your voices matter!
Are you interested in being more involved with the school community? Consider joining the Parents Auxiliary Committee (PAC)!
The School Act gives parents the right, through PACs, to assume an advisory role in every school. PAC is the officially recognized collective voice of parents of their school. It is a forum to discuss matters related to the education of your children. In addition, a PAC, works with the school administration to allocate gaming funds received by the province of British Columbia. Unlike elementary school PAC’s, there is no fundraising involved and meetings typically last no longer than an hour.
The PAC meets on the third Wednesday of most months at 6:00pm in the library. Our first meeting is Wednesday September 18.
All parents are PAC members and are welcome to attend!
- “What’s on This Week?” from Kwumut Lelum Child and Family Services.
- “Flexible Options to Meet Your Needs” from FJCC Swim Club
- LSS Student Handbook 2024-2025
Please contact our main office at or 250-245-3043
LSS Weekly Communication - June 22, 2024
Uy’ skweyul Ladysmith Secondary Students and Families,
It is hard to believe that this will be the last formal communication of the 2023-24 school year. It has been a great year where students have showcased their gifts, enthusiasm, and engagement with our school community. I also want to share my appreciation with staff, students, and families for their tremendous work in making LSS such an amazing place to work and learn. I was honored to serve my first year as Principal here at LSS and will miss the community as I transition to my new role as the Principal of Barsby Community Secondary School in September. As shared in a previous communication, next year the current Vice-Principal, Shelley Gvojich, will be the Principal, and the Vice Principal will be Jake Hardy.
This week, students in grade 8-11 were given printed schedules for next year and counsellors called down those students requiring changes. Grade 11 students were also required to submit a signed study block sheet if they are eligible for a study block for their grade 12 year. Counsellors will be in the building during the last week of summer break, beginning August 26th, for those still requiring additional changes.
Next week, most students will be transitioning to summer break, and our grade 12 students will be celebrating their accomplishments at our graduation ceremony. On Monday, grade 12 students are invited to a pancake breakfast at 7:45am. Grad caps and gowns are also to be picked up on Monday between 8:30am and 12:30 pm, after which there will be a rehearsal at 1pm and a grad photo at 2:30pm. Graduation starts at 10am on Tuesday, June 25th with doors opening at 9:30am.
Yesterday was National Indigenous Peoples Day, a day to recognize and celebrate the history, heritage, resilience and diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis people across Canada. Many of our classes had the opportunity to attend an event at Transfer Beach. Hay ce:p ‘qu to the Stz’uminus Nation for organizing such a beautiful event. Nation-wide, National Indigenous Peoples Day is an opportunity to further our commitment to Truth and Reconciliation, an ongoing focus of our district and school community. We look forward to continuing this important work next year.
Finally, report cards will be available on the MyEd portal beginning Tuesday July 2nd. Please reach out to the office directly if you are having trouble accessing your student’s report card.
Wishing you all a safe, healthy, and happy summer break. More information will come in the last week of August about the first day of school and start times.
Hay ce:p ‘qu,
Stephen Epp & Shelley Gvojich
Upcoming events:
- June 24th – Student completion day (buses are running)
- June 24th – Grad Breakfast 7:45am & Cap and Gown Pick Up 8:30-1pm
- June 24th – Grad Rehearsal 1pm & Photo at 2:30pm
- June 25th – Graduation 10am doors open at 9:45am and students graduating arrive at 9:30pm
PAC Corner:
Our next PAC meeting will be in September. Now is a great time to start thinking about joining the PAC next year.
Did you know PAC meetings are typically no more than an hour long? They are much different than elementary school meetings, there’s no fundraising or hot lunches involved! There will be several executive positions to fill in the next school year. Please consider attending to have your voice heard!
Please continue to send your Country Grocer receipts into the school, it’s appreciated!
Join your PAC online on Facebook: Ladysmith Secondary School PAC
- “What’s on This Week?” from Kwumut Lelum Child and Family Services.
Please contact our main office at or 250-245-3043
LSS Weekly Communication - June 14, 2024
Uy’ skweyul Ladysmith Secondary Students and Families,
It has been another busy week at LSS as we prepare for the end of the year and summer break. This week was our final provincial literacy and numeracy assessment session. If you are unsure if your student needs to write next year, please connect with their counsellor.
During the last week of this school year the cafeteria will be CLOSED. This means that next week, June 17-21st there will be no lunch services. There will also be no pizza sales during this time. Please ensure you bring a lunch.
June 24th is LSS completion day. Although school is out on June 21st, students are welcome to come into the building on June 24th to complete any course requirements for this semester. Please have your student connect with their teacher if they are coming in.
On Wednesday, we welcomed grade 7’s from Ecole North Oyster and Ladysmith Intermediate to our building for tours and fun. As a part of this event there was a fun field day with bouncy castles and a school wide barbeque where our cafeteria program served up 700 plus hot dogs to our school community. Many thanks to our school PAC for their support. The fun day closed with an evening grade 7 parent night where families were given the opportunity to meet administration, counsellors, our child and youth support worker and receive tours of the building.
From June 13-15th, our fine arts department is putting on a modern take of Macbeth. Tickets are available at the office and the show opens nightly at 6pm. Special thanks to Mr. Taylor and Mr. Potvin for their work on this production. Be sure to check it out if you have the opportunity.
Next week we are hoping to provide grade 8-11 students with their timetable for the 2024-2025 school year. Counsellors can review timetables with students and will be offering support to those students with required changes. Grade 11 students who have requested a study block, will only receive their schedule once they return the required signed study sheet to the counselling office. Counsellors will be available until Friday, June 21st and then again in the week before school opening (beginning August 26th).
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.
Hay ce:p ‘qu,
Stephen Epp & Shelley Gvojich
Upcoming events:
- June 21st – Last formal day of classes
- June 24th – Student completion day
- June 24th – Grad Breakfast 7:45am & Cap and Gown Pick Up 8:30-1pm
- June 24th – Grad Rehearsal 1pm & Photo at 2:30pm
- June 25th – Graduation 10am doors open at 9:45am and students graduating arrive at 9:30pm
PAC Corner:
Our next PAC meeting will be in September. Now is a great time to start thinking about joining the PAC next year.
Did you know PAC meetings are typically no more than an hour long? They are much different than elementary school meetings, there’s no fundraising or hot lunches involved! There will be several executive positions to fill in the next school year. Please consider attending to have your voice heard!
Please continue to send your Country Grocer receipts into the school, it’s appreciated!
Join your PAC online on Facebook: Ladysmith Secondary School PAC
- “What’s on This Week?” from Kwumut Lelum Child and Family Services.
- Cafeteria – CLOSED
Please contact our main office at or 250-245-3043
LSS Weekly Communication - June, 2024
Uy’ skweyul Ladysmith Secondary Students and Families,
This week was an exciting and proud week for Ladysmith Secondary School. We were honored to welcome elders and special guests from Cowichan, Stz’uminus, Snuneymuxw, and Snaw naw as for our first ever elder’s gathering. On Thursday, ten schools joined our school for our annual hul’qumi’num language event, t’uxusthamsh. Many thanks to yutustana:t and our Land and Language program for their leadership and efforts in guiding this work. We would also like to extend gratitude to the many staff and students who spent countless hours volunteering to make both events a success.
A reminder to all students and families that next week is provincial assessment week. This session is for students who missed their assessment earlier in the year. If you are uncertain if you still need to write, please check with your counsellor or ask in the office.
On Wednesday, June 12th, we are excited to welcome grade 7’s to our building for a fun and welcoming day at LSS. They will participate in tours and learn more about the school and all of the many opportunities available to them. We will also feed them lunch and give them time in our field inflatables, an opportunity that will also be available to the rest of our school.
On June 13-15th, our fine arts department is putting on a modern take of Macbeth. Tickets are available at the office and the show opens nightly at 6pm. Special thanks to Mr. Taylor and Mr. Potvin for their work on this production.
The Nanaimo Child Development Centre along with community partners have secured a grant from Inclusion BC to research services for Children/Youth with diverse needs in Nanaimo/Ladysmith area. The purpose of the community engagement is to gather data regarding what services are available to them now, what they think the gaps are and their hopes for future services. The report will be shared with Inclusion BC and it will help to inform future community services to better support children and youth with diverse abilities. The data collected from this survey will be received and compiled by a 3rd party neutral agency, Discovery Research. This link will be active until end of July 2024. In addition to collecting data through this survey, they will be hosting a family event June 19th, 2024 at Tillicum Lelum (10th street location).
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.
Hay ce:p ‘qu,
Stephen Epp & Shelley Gvojich
Upcoming events:
- June 10th – June 14th – Provincial Assessment Week
- June 12th – Grad Fun Day and School Wide BBQ
- June 12th – Grade 7 school visit (daytime) and parent night 6-7pm
- June 21st – Last formal day of classes
- June 24th – Student completion day
- June 24th – Grad Breakfast 7:45am & Cap and Gown Pick Up 8:30-1pm
- June 24th – Grad Rehearsal 1pm & Photo at 2:30pm
- June 25th – Graduation 10am doors open at 9:45am and students graduating arrive at 9:30pm
PAC Corner:
Our next PAC meeting will be in September. Now is a great time to start thinking about joining the PAC next year.
Did you know PAC meetings are typically no more than an hour long? They are much different than elementary school meetings, there’s no fundraising or hot lunches involved! There will be several executive positions to fill in the next school year. Please consider attending to have your voice heard!
Please continue to send your Country Grocer receipts into the school, it’s appreciated!
Join your PAC online on Facebook: Ladysmith Secondary School PAC
- “What’s on This Week?” from Kwumut Lelum Child and Family Services.
- Cafeteria menu
- Youth Bloom Poster
- Intro to Cheer Poster
Please contact our main office at or 250-245-3043
LSS Weekly Communication May 31, 2024
Uy’ skweyul Ladysmith Secondary Students and Families,
Just like that, we have entered the final month of the school year. June is always packed with provincial assessments, semester wrap up, school celebration activities, and preparation for the new school year. Please see the calendar below for important upcoming dates.
Speaking of important dates, we are excited to share two important events happening this week at LSS. On Wednesday, we will be welcoming elders from Cowichan, Stz’uminus, Snuneymuxw, and Snaw naw as for our first ever Elder gathering. We are excited to see transformative reconciliation in action and be a part of this ground-breaking work. On Thursday, ten schools will be joining our school for our annual hul’qumi’num language event t’uxusthamsh. Many thanks to yutustana:t and our Land and Language program for their leadership and efforts in guiding this work.
Next week the cafeteria will be closed as our Chef and team prepare for the Elders gathering. LSS will be selling Pizza each day in liu of cafeteria.
This Monday, LSS has a band concert beginning at 6:30pm in the MPR. Please come out and support the final concert of the year for our band students. If you have any questions, please connect with Mr. Potvin.
On Monday May 29th, we had our final fire drill of the year. Be sure to ask your student about how the drill went and remind them of the importance of signing out when they leave the school so that staff are aware who is in the building.
Is your student interested in a rotary exchange? Please see the attached information outlining the opportunities and an upcoming zoom meeting to learn more. The meeting will be held at 6:30pm on June 3rd. To pre-register, please use the link here.
The Nanaimo Child Development Centre along with community partners have secured a grant from Inclusion BC to research services for Children/Youth with diverse needs in Nanaimo/Ladysmith area. The purpose of the community engagement is to gather data regarding what services are available to them now, what they think the gaps are and their hopes for future services. The report will be shared with Inclusion BC and it will help to inform future community services to better support children and youth with diverse abilities. The data collected from this survey will be received and compiled by a 3rd party neutral agency, Discovery Research. This link will be active until end of July 2024. In addition to collecting data through this survey, they will be hosting a family event June 19th, 2024 at Tillicum Lelum (10th street location).
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.
Hay ce:p ‘qu,
Stephen Epp & Shelley Gvojich
Upcoming events:
- June 3rd – Band Concert – 6:30pm
- June 3rd – Rotary Information Session
- June 5th – Elders Gathering at LSS
- June 6th – t’uxusthamsh at LSS
- June 10th – June 14th – Provincial Assessment Week
- June 12th – Grad Fun Day and School Wide BBQ
- June 12th – Grade 7 school visit (daytime) and parent night 6-7pm
- June 21st – Last formal day of classes
- June 24th – Student completion day
- June 24th – Grad Breakfast 7:45am & Cap and Gown Pick Up 8:30-1pm
- June 24th – Grad Rehearsal 1pm & Photo at 2:30pm
- June 25th – Graduation 10am doors open at 9:45am and students graduating arrive at 9:30pm
PAC Corner:
Our next PAC meeting will be in September. Now is a great time to start thinking about joining the PAC next year.
Did you know PAC meetings are typically no more than an hour long? They are much different than elementary school meetings, there’s no fundraising or hot lunches involved! There will be several executive positions to fill in the next school year. Please consider attending to have your voice heard!
Please continue to send your Country Grocer receipts into the school, it’s appreciated!
Join your PAC online on Facebook: Ladysmith Secondary School PAC
- “What’s on This Week?” from Kwumut Lelum Child and Family Services.
- Cafeteria menu
- Youth Bloom Flyer
- Long Term Rotary 2024-25 Brochures
- Long Term Rotary Youth Exchange 2024 Poster
Please contact our main office at or 250-245-3043
Daily Announcements May 29, 2024
These are your announcements for Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Peer Tutors
Attention all Peer Tutors: This is just a friendly reminder that your term 2 assignments are due on June 7. That’s all term 2 assignments for Peer Tutoring are due on June 7th. Thanks everyone.
Today in the cafeteria the Soup is French Onion. Also available is Harvest Salad, the Salad Special is Asian Pork Tenderloin Salad with Honey Ginger Dressing, and the Short Order is Chicken Strips with Fries and the Entrée is Lasagna with Garlic Toast.
Student Council
Hey LSS! there is a Student Council meeting today in Fink’s room 122.
And now for today’s Dad joke
I once got fired from a canned juice company. Apparently I couldn’t concentrate!
- Try your best!!
- Get better each day!!
- Do the right thing!!
- It’s the 49er way!!
LSS Weekly Communication - May 24, 2024
Uy’ skweyul Ladysmith Secondary Students and Families,
It is hard to believe that we are nearing the end of May. This week was a short but busy week, as we celebrated the accomplishments of our Indigenous Grade 12 students on Thursday at John Barsby Secondary School during our District Indigenous Graduation Ceremony. Many thanks to those staff and students who helped prepare for this special event.
On Monday May 27th, we will be having our final Fire Drill of the year. Emergency preparedness drills are a great way for staff and students to practice important safety procedures. Be sure to ask your student about the drill and remind them of the importance of signing out when they leave the school so that staff are aware who is in the building.
Next week also begins the process of welcoming our incoming grade 8’s to LSS. We will be visiting our feeder schools to meet and greet our new students and ask any questions that they may have. Simultaneously, we are preparing to say goodbye to our grade 12’s, who selected their valedictorian this past week. Congratulations to Django Casely, who will be the Valedictorian for the graduating class of 2024.
The Nanaimo Child Development Centre along with community partners have secured a grant from Inclusion BC to research services for Children/Youth with diverse needs in Nanaimo/Ladysmith area. The purpose of the community engagement is to gather data regarding what services are available to them now, what they think the gaps are and their hopes for future services. The report will be shared with Inclusion BC and it will help to inform future community services to better support children and youth with diverse abilities. The data collected from this survey will be received and compiled by a 3rd party neutral agency, Discovery Research. This link will be active until end of July 2024. In addition to collecting data through this survey, they will be hosting a family event June 19th, 2024 at Tillicum Lelum (10th street location).
The Board of Education is seeking feedback on the Draft Strategic Plan for 2024-2028. If you would like to provide input, please email by May 27, 2024. More information can be found here. Attached you will also find the recently approved local calendars for 2024-2025 and 2025-2026.
Finally, a big congratulations to our Track and Field team for their great showing at the Island Championships this past week. Several members of our team will be competing in provincials, which will be held at the Rotary Bowl in Nanaimo. A special thank you to coaches Brandie Lewis and Hamish Thompson for their work supporting the team.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.
Hay ce:p ‘qu,
Stephen Epp, Shelley Gvojich & Jake Hardy
Upcoming events:
- May 27th – Fire Drill 11:15am
- June 5th – Elders Conference at LSS
- June 6th – t’uxusthamsh at LSS
- June 10th – June 14th – Provincial Assessment Week
- June 12th – Grad Fun Day and School Wide BBQ
- June 12th – Grade 7 school visit (daytime) and parent night 6-7pm
- June 21st – Last formal day of classes
- June 24th – Student completion day
- June 24th – Grad Breakfast 7:45am & Cap and Gown Pick Up 8:30-1pm
- June 24th – Grad Rehearsal 1pm & Photo at 2:30pm
- June 25th – Graduation 10am doors open at 9:45am and students graduating arrive at 9:30pm
PAC Corner:
Our next PAC meeting will be in September. Now is a great time to start thinking about joining the PAC next year.
Did you know PAC meetings are typically no more than an hour long? They are much different than elementary school meetings, there’s no fundraising or hot lunches involved! There will be several executive positions to fill in the next school year. Please consider attending to have your voice heard!
Please continue to send your Country Grocer receipts into the school, it’s appreciated!
Join your PAC online on Facebook: Ladysmith Secondary School PAC
- “What’s on This Week?” from Kwumut Lelum Child and Family Services.
- Cafeteria menu
- Updated 2024-25 & 2025-26 School Calendar
Please contact our main office at or 250-245-3043
LSS Weekly Communication - May 17, 2024
Uy’ skweyul Ladysmith Secondary Students and Families,
I hope you have had all had a wonderful week. I wanted to start by letting our school community know that, beginning August 1st, I will be moving to John Barsby Community Secondary School as the Principal. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time serving our school community. While I will still be Principal for the remainder of this school year, I will be spending time in both schools between now and the end of the year. Because of this, our new vice-principal, Jake Hardy, started full time this week. Current Vice-Principal, Shelley Gvojich, will be Principal beginning August 1st.
We would like to wish a special thank you to Ms. Rosioru and Mrs. Lewis for organizing the Living Library that occurred this week at LSS. Spanning two days, several human “books” came into our school to share their lived experience with students in several classes. A special thank you to these guests and community members for coming into our building and sharing their gifts.
Next Thursday, May 23rd, John Barsby Community School will be hosting our District Indigenous Graduation Ceremony. As in past years, this ceremony honoring Indigenous grads will take place in the John Barsby gymnasium, doors open at 5:00pm and festivities begin at approximately 5:45pm. Congratulations to all those taking part.
A reminder that the Ladysmith and Area Transportation Survey is open until May 19th. Please see the link to the Ladysmith and Area Transportation Survey based on one of the recommendations from the CommUNITY Together to End Poverty Hw-nuts’-ulwum project.
Wishing you all a wonderful long weekend.
Hay ce:p ‘qu,
Stephen Epp & Shelley Gvojich
Upcoming events:
- May 21st – Holiday – No School
- May 22nd – Fire Drill 10:40am
- May 23rd – Indigenous Learning – honouring our 2024 Grads
- May 27th – Fire Drill 11:15am
- June 5th – Elders Conference at LSS
- June 6th – t’uxusthamsh at LSS
- June 10th – June 14th – Provincial Assessment Week
- June 12th – Grad Fun Day and School Wide BBQ
- June 12th – Grade 7 school visit (daytime) and parent night 6-7pm
- June 21st – Last formal day of classes
- June 24th – Student completion day
- June 24th – Grad Breakfast 7:45am & Cap and Gown Pick Up 8:30-1pm
- June 24th – Grad Rehearsal 1pm & Photo at 2:30pm
- June 25th – Graduation 10am doors open at 9:45am and students graduating arrive at 9:30pm
PAC Corner:
Our PAC meetings are completed for the 2023-24 school year. There will be several executive positions to fill in the next school year. Please consider attending to have your voice heard!
Please continue to send your Country Grocer receipts into the school, it’s appreciated!
Join your PAC online on Facebook: Ladysmith Secondary School PAC
- “What’s on This Week?” from Kwumut Lelum Child and Family Services.
- Cafeteria menu
- Ladysmith Transportation Survey Poster
Please contact our main office at or 250-245-3043
LSS Weekly Communication - May 12, 2024
Uy’ skweyul Ladysmith Secondary Students and Families,
It is hard to believe we are already talking about the year coming to a close and planning for the 2024-2025 school year. These last 6 weeks are action packed with excitement, celebrating the grade 12’s as their high school journey comes to and end, and begin to plan for the incoming grade eights.
This weekend, Ms. Gvojich and I ventured to Richmond to the Networks of Inquiry and Indigenous Education (NOIIE) Symposium where LSS was showcased as one of the schools in the province doing transformative work in the area of Truth and Reconciliation. We are hoping to be able to share the video with our school community soon. Hay ce:p ‘qu to all involved in the making of the video and for all the work to make our Land and Language program such an important part of our school community.
On Wednesday, May 8th, our Interact Club hosted a student/family movie night in the multi-purpose room. It was so nice to see members of the Ladysmith community come together to support one of our clubs and to spend time together watching a movie. This month is also the Ladysmith Arts Council Student Show where many LSS students will be showcased. Attached you will see a flyer outlining the details of the event!
On Thursday May 9th, we participated in our last Earthquake drill of the year. During emergency events it is incredibly important that we know who is in the building and who is not. For this reason, we remind students and families about the importance of students signing out at the office when they need to leave school during the day.
Have not completed the Ladysmith and Area Transportation Survey yet and want to give feedback still? The survey is open until May 19th. Please see the link to the Ladysmith and Area Transportation Survey based on one of the recommendations from the CommUNITY Together to End Poverty Hw-nuts’-ulwum project.
We want to wish a special thanks and congratulations to the eight student teachers that have been in our building for the past couple of months. Six of these pre-service teachers finish their practicum today, and two will finish their final practicum and officially become teachers next Friday. We wish them all well as they move on in their careers.
Next week, LSS will be hosting a Living Library. Spanning two days, several human “books” will come into our school to share their lived experience with students in several classes. We look forward to welcoming these guests into our building and are excited to learn from them.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.
Hay ce:p ‘qu,
Stephen Epp & Shelley Gvojich
Upcoming events:
- May 15th – PAC Meeting at 6pm in the Learning Commons
- May 22nd – Fire Drill 10:40am
- May 23rd – Indigenous Learning – honouring our 2024 Grads
- May 27th – Fire Drill 11:15am
- June 5th – Elders Conference at LSS
- June 6th – t’uxusthamsh at LSS
- June 10th – June 14th – Provincial Assessment Week
- June 12th – Grad Fun Day and School Wide BBQ
- June 12th – Grade 7 school visit (daytime) and parent night 6-7pm
- June 21st – Last formal day of classes
- June 24th – Student completion day
- June 24th – Grad Breakfast 7:45am & Cap and Gown Pick Up 8:30-1pm
- June 24th – Grad Rehearsal 1pm & Photo at 2:30pm
- June 25th – Graduation 10am doors open at 9:45am and students graduating arrive at 9:30pm
PAC Corner:
Our next PAC meeting will be on Wednesday, May 19 at 6 pm in the library. This meeting will focus on dispersing our remaining funds for the year.
Did you know PAC meetings are typically no more than an hour long? They are much different than elementary school meetings, there’s no fundraising or hot lunches involved! There will be several executive positions to fill in the next school year. Please consider attending to have your voice heard!
Please continue to send your Country Grocer receipts into the school, it’s appreciated!
Join your PAC online on Facebook: Ladysmith Secondary School PAC
- “What’s on This Week?” from Kwumut Lelum Child and Family Services.
- Cafeteria menu
- Ladysmith Transportation Survey Poster
- Ladysmith Student Art Show
Please contact our main office at or 250-245-3043
LSS Weekly Communication - May 3, 2024
Uy’ skweyul Ladysmith Secondary Students and Families,
This week marked the beginning of May and Report Cards were made available on the parent portal of MyEd. If you are having trouble accessing your student’s report card, please contact your student’s counsellor or call the office directly.
Today we had a fire drill where we able to practice exiting the building safely. During emergency events it is incredibly important we know who is in the building and who is not. For this reason, we remind students and families about the importance of students signing out at the office when they need to leave school during the day.
A reminder that on Wednesday, May 8th, we will be hosting a student/family movie night in the multi-purpose room from 6-8:30pm. This year’s movie will be Rio. Entry will be by donation at the door and there will also be a concession available. We are hoping to see you there.
This month is also the Ladysmith Arts Council Student Show where many LSS students will be showcased. Attached you will see a flyer outlining the details of the event!
Have not completed the Ladysmith and Area Transportation Survey yet and want to give feedback still? The survey is open until May 19th. Please see the link to the Ladysmith and Area Transportation Survey based on one of the recommendations from the CommUNITY Together to End Poverty Hw-nuts’-ulwum project.
Finally, Red Dress Day, observed annually on May 5th, is a solemn day of remembrance and advocacy for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG). It is a time for us to stand in solidarity with Indigenous families who have lost their loved ones and to raise awareness about the staggering rates of violence faced by Indigenous women and girls. Our school will be drumming staff and students into the building on May 6th to honour those lost and missing.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.
Hay ce:p ‘qu,
Stephen Epp & Shelley Gvojich
Upcoming events:
- May 8th – Grade 11 & 12 ICBC Presentation
- May 8th – School Wide Movie Night sponsored by Interact Club
- May 9th – Earthquake Drill 9:00am
- May 15th – PAC Meeting at 6pm in the Learning Commons
- May 22nd – Fire Drill 10:40am
- May 23rd – Indigenous Learning – honouring our 2024 Grads
- May 27th – Fire Drill 11:15am
- June 5th – Elders Conference at LSS
- June 6th – t’uxusthamsh at LSS
- June 10th – June 14th – Provincial Assessment Week
- June 12th – Grad Fun Day and School Wide BBQ
- June 12th – Grade 7 school visit (daytime) and parent night 6-7pm
- June 21st – Last formal day of classes
- June 24th – Student completion day
- June 24th – Grad Breakfast 7:45am & Cap and Gown Pick Up 8:30-1pm
- June 24th – Grad Rehearsal 1pm & Photo at 2:30pm
- June 25th – Graduation 10am doors open at 9:45am and students graduating arrive at 9:30pm
PAC Corner:
Our next PAC meeting will be on Wednesday, May 19 at 6 pm in the library. This meeting will focus on dispersing our remaining funds for the year.
Did you know PAC meetings are typically no more than an hour long? They are much different than elementary school meetings, there’s no fundraising or hot lunches involved! There will be several executive positions to fill in the next school year. Please consider attending to have your voice heard!
Please continue to send your Country Grocer receipts into the school, it’s appreciated!
Join your PAC online on Facebook: Ladysmith Secondary School PAC
- “What’s on This Week?” from Kwumut Lelum Child and Family Services.
- Cafeteria menu
- Ladysmith Transportation Survey Poster
- Ladysmith Yacht Club – SAILPAST 2024
- Ladysmith Student Art Show
Please contact our main office at or 250-245-3043
Daily Announcement May 3, 2024
Good Morning Ladysmith!
We are gathered on the unseeded
Territory of the Stz’uminus First Nation’s people
These are your announcements for
Friday, May 3, 2024
Could all Sr. Girls soccer players please check in at the PE office today at lunch to get their schedule and discuss rides to the North Island tournament on Monday. Thank you!
Student Council
Hay LSS! Want to help plan this year’s spring dance? Join the dance committee next Tuesday May 7th, at lunch in Ms.Finks room! Those who help can get a free dance ticket, are entered into a draw for a $100.00 Woodgrove gift card, and there will be PIZZA for volunteers!
Wilderness Studies
Calling all former Wilderness studies students. There are a couple of seats left on the June camping trip. See Beuerlein for a permission slip if you want to go.
Are you looking to make $100.00 cash on Saturday, May 18th??? We need two students to do some shovelling for 3-4 hours. See counselling if you are interested!
Attention Grads! If you have not filled out your commencement profile, please do as they are due TODAY, Friday, May 3!!! Lost your form? Not a problem, there are extras in the office.
Graduation Tickets
If you have not already handed in your Grad ticket request form, please fill one out and hand it in by Friday, May 17th. Need a ticket form? Extras are in the office.
Job Board
Looking for work? Check out the job board outside the counselling centre as new jobs are being posted.
And now for today’s Dad joke
What did the bald guy say when he got a comb as a present? Thanks, I’ll never part with it (sorry Mr. Van Horne and Terry)
- Try your best!!
- Get better each day!!
- Do the right thing!!
- It’s the 49er way!!
Daily Announcements May 2, 2024
Good Morning Ladysmith!
We are gathered on the unseeded
Territory of the Stz’uminus First Nation’s people
These are your announcements for
Thursday, May 2, 2024
LSS Disc Golf
Did you know that Ladysmith has a 27-hole disc golf course out by Forrest Field? No, well you can join Mr. Sieben and some fellow students and staff to learn the layout of the course this Today at 4pm. Meet at the Forrest Field parking lot across form Park Place, Today at 4pm!
Wilderness Studies
Calling all former Wilderness studies students. There are a couple of seats left on the June camping trip. See Beuerlein for a permission slip if you want to go.
Student Council
Hay LSS! Want to help plan this year’s spring dance? Join the dance committee next Tuesday May 7th, at lunch in Ms.Finks room! Those who help can get a free dance ticket, are entered into a draw for a $100.00 Woodgrove gift card, and there will be PIZZA for volunteers!
Sr. Girls soccer players can pick up their North Island schedule at lunch in the gym.
Attention Grads! If you have not filled out your commencement profile, please do as they are due tomorrow, Friday, May 3!!! Lost your form? Not a problem, there are extras in the office.
Graduation Tickets
If you have not already handed in your Grad ticket request form, please fill one out and hand it in by Friday, May 17th. Need a ticket form? Extras are in the office.
Are you looking to make $100.00 cash on Saturday, May 18th??? We need two students to do some shovelling for 3-4 hours. See counselling if you are interested!
Job Board
Looking for work? Check out the job board outside the counselling centre as new jobs are being posted.
Today in the cafeteria the Soup is Chef’s Choice. Also available is a Harvest Salad, the Salad Special is Roasted Beet Salad with Neufchatel Cheese, and the Short Order is Bacon Cheddar Beef Burger with Fries.
And now for today’s Dad joke
What did the paper clip say to the magnet? I find you very attractive.
- Try your best!!
- Get better each day!!
- Do the right thing!!
- It’s the 49er way!!
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