
March 10th Daily Announcements

Good Morning Ladysmith!

These are your announcements for

Wednesday, March 10, 2021


 Math Support

Math Clinic after school today!  Extra math support available today from 3-4pm in room 218.  All grade levels welcome


Please stop by the cafeteria and pre-order your lunch for tomorrow.  The soup is Creamy Tomato Basil & Roasted Peppers (Lacto-Vegetarian), Short Order is Squeaky Cheese Poutine (FG/Lacto-Vegetarian), also available are Buddha Bowls (Vegan/GF), Salad Special is Mesclun Mix, Chicken, Bacon, Blue Cheese, Avocado Boiled Egg, Cucumber & Tomato (GF), Pasta Special is Chicken, Bacon & Caramelized Onion Fettuccine and Focaccia, Sandwich Special is Pepperoni Pizza Sub and the Dessert is New York Cheese Cake with Raspberry

 Job Opportunities

If you are looking for a job, please look at the bulletin board outside the counselling offices.  There are some jobs posted there.

Peer Tutoring

Attention all peer tutors:  Please see Ms. Lechthaler ASAP to pick up your new peer tutoring assignments.  Thank you


And now for today’s Dad joke

Why did the Clydesdale give the pony a glass of water?  Because he was a little horse.


  • Try your best!!
  • Get better each day!!
  • Do the right thing!!
  • It’s the 49er way!!


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