
LSS Weekly Communication – February 7th

Uy’ skweyul Ladysmith Secondary Students and Families,

This week was short and snow-filled! Second semester is now underway, and students are settling into their new classes. This week students spent time selecting their courses for the 2025-26 school year. The choices they make are important, as they will help us to create a timetable for next year that will best meet the needs of all students. Please note that Course Catalogs are available on the school website. If you have any specific questions about program planning or course selection, please reach out to your student’s counsellor directly.

This week report cards were also released on the MyEd portal. Please connect with the office at if you are having trouble accessing your student’s report card and connect with their teacher directly if you have any questions about their progress.

The Career Technical Center in Collaboration with VIU is pleased to offer to grade 11 and 12 students an Exploratory Day at VIU on February 21, 2025 on the topic of Hospitality and Tourism. Step into the exciting world of hospitality and tourism! Learn about interactive courses that will introduce you to the dynamic and diverse industries that shape global travel, leisure, and entertainment. Visit firsthand the bustling energy of hotel operations and gain a behind-the-scenes look at what makes these industries thrive. Grade 11 and 12 students can apply by clicking the link here.

We would also like to remind parents of the opportunity to participate in The Student Learning Survey (SLS), which has been administered every year in B.C. public schools since 2001. Prior to 2016-17 it was known as the Student Satisfaction Survey. The SLS provides feedback on the implementation of the curriculum changes, learning environment, student wellness and satisfaction, student belonging and engagement, and career preparation. The SLS is the only source of province-wide information about students’ learning experiences through the perspectives of students, parents, guardians/caregivers, and school staff. Schools and districts use the SLS to make informed decisions around long-term planning and goal-setting, and in providing individual students personalized support. The parent and guardian/caregiver survey is now available online and is available in 18 different languages. The survey will be available until Friday, May 2nd, and will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Your responses are voluntary and anonymous, and your child will not be identified as a result of your participation in the survey. Any personal or identifying information will be deleted before results are stored. Data will be stored and accessible only within Canada.

To complete the survey:

  1. Go to any computer that has an up-to-date internet browser access at home, work, or school.
  2. Go to
  3. Click on the Parents icon for Direct (logon-free) Access
  • District: the name of your child’s district
  • School: the name of your child’s school
  • Language: the language of your choice
  1. Complete the survey by clicking on the appropriate circle to answer each question and click “NEXT”.
  2. When you are finished the survey, you will get a message “Thank you for sharing your views”.
  3. Once complete, your school will have the results immediately.


Students in grade 10,11, and 12 will be surveyed at LSS during the week of: February 24th – 28th. More information will be coming to those students in the impacted grades in the coming weeks.


For the second year in a row, LSS is working in partnership with the Ladysmith Arts Council to support the Food Bank over the month of February with a Toilet Paper drive. The student’s council will be collecting new and sealed toilet paper and cash donations to help stock the food bank with toilet paper. If you are able and willing, please consider donating to this worthwhile cause.

This past week saw our community receive freezing temperatures and snow. A reminder that all school district weather related information can be found here. School district staff monitor road conditions starting at 2 a.m. and consider local safety advisories, such as direction from RCMP to the public to avoid travel. A recommendation on whether to close schools is made to the Superintendent/CEO by 5:30 a.m. If the decision to close schools is made, please note the following:

  • Communications to parents, caregivers, and school district employees will be sent before 6:00 a.m.
  • Parents/caregivers will receive an email and text notification sent from the school district’s notification system.
  • Employees will receive an email.
  • Announcements will be made on local radio stations (WOLF 106.9 FM, WAVE 102.3 FM, and 91.7 COAST FM) on the day of the closure. Please do not call the radio station – tune in and listen for the announcements, which will be made on a regular basis.
  • The district website: will also have a notification on the home page if schools are closed.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

Hay ce:p ‘qu,

Shelley Gvojich & Alistair King

Upcoming events:

  • February 11th – GRASP Training
  • February 17th – Family Day (No School)
  • February 19th – PAC meeting
  • February 24 – 28th – Tentative Student Learning Surveys

PAC Corner:

The next PAC meeting will be February 19th at 6pm in the Learning Commons



  • “What’s on This Week?” from Kwumut Lelum Child and Family Services.
  • Weekly Cafeteria Menu


Please contact our main office at or 250-245-3043

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